Sunday, October 21, 2007


This is really random, yes, but I'd just like to take a moment to point out that Thanksgiving is, in fact, a religious holiday. Who do yo uthink you're giving thanks to? Or supposed to be giving thanks to, at least. Thank you for the bountiful harvest, for family and friends, etc. You're not thanking your next doot neighbor there you know.


I just think it's interesting, casue no one I know of has ever gotten upset about Thanksgiving. But plenty of people object to Christmas. Ok. Yes, yes, CHRISTmas is more directly religious. Sure. But I think you get what I'm saying.

Ok, I'm out.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

A Not-So-Bright New Day
bright yellow/orange pee

I don't even know where to begin here. It's been a while since i last posted. Hmmmm, let's see....

Broke up with Patrick

Started dating Adam Wright

Working in a lab as an undergradute assistant

Annnnnnnnd..... beginning to hate academia. Ok... not hate it, but I'm tired of it. I'm tired of the stress and lack of sleep and vastly large amounts of reading assignments that can be so dense that after spending hours reading, I sometimes find I've learned NOTHING. This is very much how I felt my junior year of high school. Except now everyhting is that much harder.

As I see the sun beginning to peak out, dawning a new day of stress and a Psych of Learning exam, all I want to do is block it out and sleep for about three days.

To add to the academic trials before me, I've recently developed a very bad urinary tract infection that had started to spread to my kidneys. Oh yay.... I'm on antibiotics now, and should be 100% free of it in a week, but for now my kidneys still kinda hurt, and I have to stay away from caffeine. The horrible thing about that is that I've been relying VERY hevily on caffeine to keep me going lately, and now I'm tired and headachy from the withdrawals. Fortunately, so far as related UTI pains, they gave me something that helps with the dysuria (and also turns my pee a very odd and bright yellowish orange.

Anyway, I decided to start posting again since Cecily said she missed reading my blog. This one's for you, Cecily. ^_^ *Love*