Friday, December 22, 2006

Going Home in A Matter of Hours

I don't remember the last time I slept more than three hours at a time. I haven't had a night's sleep in days. Only three hour naps (if that).

But really, the point of this post is to share one thing with you all. In reviewing my final score for social pysch (90.01%) as listed in Telesis by my student ID number, I noticed something very strange. One student, let's call this person 389828, ended up with a final score of 101.25%. That's right, my friends, one and a quarter percentage points higher than perfect.

Such people should be shot.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Sure, Call It An Adventure

Day: Sunday
Time: 5:00 ish
Goal: Buy some food to last me until friday and a string of 100 twinkle lights
Main Conflict: I left my wallet on the Metro bus when I got off at Wal-Mart and did not realized this until I tried to pay for the stuff I was getting. Luckily Aarthi was there to cover the cost.
The Adventure: First thing I do is call my Dad to tell him what happened and ask him what I need to do about the fact that my debit card was in my wallet, and what to do about ID when I go to the airport on friday because my driver's license was also in there.
Me and Aarthi hop on the next Red line and tell the driver that I left my wallet on the bus earlier. Luckily she lets me ride sans payment and contacts the other drivers, telling them to be on the lookout for my wallet. Pink. Says Washingtom University on it. Couple minutes later we hear back that some passenger had turned in a wallet to one of the drivers and he was taking it to the lost and found at the Metro garage at the end of his shift.
Fact about me: I HATE having something unresolved looming over my thoughts. As such, I was going to the garage that night to get my wallet back. At this point it's around 7.
So, we take the Red line to the stop next to the Delmar metrolink stop (which is kinda sketchy, but that's another story). Then we wait for a few minutes and catch the 91 to DeBaliviere, where the garage is.
We go in, I get my wallet from the lost and found, and I ask the guy what's the best way to get back to WashU. At this point the driver who just dropped us off comes in and has my phone. Evidently I'd left it on the bus. So I sorta fail at life. He offers to drive us back to the Delmar stop.
So we get there, Wal-Mart bags still in tow, and decide we're tired of the busses. We head down to the link stop, figure out we need to get to the Forest Park station then switch to the Shrewsberry train to get to Big Bend.
It must have been after 8 when we got home, but we were alive and nothing was missing from my wallet, so huzzah, yeah?

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Bwa-ha-ha!!! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!! BWAAAAA-HAAA-HAAAA- *coughing fit*

...ok... I'm done

95.5 Gems Per Minute

95.5 gems per minute.


It's 2:30 in the morning and I need to finish up a paper and maybe catch a bit of sleep and evidently I'm more concerned with the fact that I just finished a game of Bejeweled in which I had an average clearance rate of 95.5 gems per minute.

Go figure.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Short Sleeves

What the f*ck? It's 60 degrees outside. People are walking around in short sleeves. It feels like spring. IT'S DECEMBER, PEOPLE!! A week ago it was 15 out, something like 6 with wind chill. And now?


Anyway, in life news: I don't know that I've mentioned this, but I'm stage managing a play that is going into rehearsal as soon as winter break is over. So that's great. Had a read thru this morning and all seems to be going well. I'm a little weirded that I'm going to have to organize and be in charge of production meetings... but I'm sure I'll be fine once I get my feet wet. The funny thing I've found with my personality is that I very rarely take power, but then when it's given to me, I pretty much like running with it.

Other news: Partied. Slept. Hung out. Slept. Now I have to get down to work. A, so I can pass everything. B, so I can party some more before I'm back at home again. I love being near my parents. Really. And seeing other family members. But come on... how can I love going back to Conroe after living in St. Louis? It makes me miss Houston.

Well, I'm gonna go bury my watch in a drawer (the ticking is driving me nuts) and then work on my final World Cinema paper. Speaking of which, that class didn't turn out to be as aimless as I feared. I wouldn't tell someone to go out of their way to take it. Hell no. But I wouldn't stop them either.

Bonne Chance, mes amis!

Monday, December 11, 2006

28 Days

So what's with the idea that a woman's cycle is supposed to be 28 days? A length of time which happens to correspond to an even 4 weeks? I know my natural cycle can be anywhere from around 30 to full 43 days. And what of it? It's never caused me any problems.

However, those days are no more. Starting very soon I will be hormonally regulated. A crisp 28 day routine mapped out in neat rows of pink and white. Mapped to the hour. God forbid you miss a dose. I feel anxious about such a thing, to take a purposeful, external hand to my natural state. I fear what it could end up doing to my body. And yet, the dangers of continuing to refuse this safety net now worry me even more. I can no longer take such a risk.

Oy, I'm so dramatic.

Saturday, December 09, 2006


My dreams have been kind of violent lately, and all the violence has been against me. And it's not even the, "Oh crap I'm fighting this huge monster like in Zelda" kind of violence (which I've dreamed in the past). But more of, "Holy sh!t, this person wants to beat me down just becasue they know they can" kind of violence.

These dreams are filled with people I know. They are people from my life but, in the dream, are playing other roles, which is always interesting. Those people never act violently against me, but they do stand by and watch it happen, sometimes with sickeningly sympathetic looks on their faces.

The other noteworthy thing about these dreams is that my age and sex seems to be subject to change at any time. It's a little different.