Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Wise Words of William Danforth

As many of my readers surely know, the WashU main campus has recently been renamed Danforth Campus, due, it is almost certain, to the Danforth family padding the WashU pockets. Now we see the name everywhere; it's on informational material, on signs, maps, and on the cover of the Residential Life Handbook we were all given upon moving in.

On said cover, there is a quote from a mister William Danforth, the first part of which reads, "Our most valuable possessions are those which can be shared without lessening; those which when shared multiply."




Thank you for your time.

Monday, August 28, 2006

The Academic New Year

This past year's been quite a trip, I must say. Now, as I embark on the adventure that is Sophomore year, I'm looking back to take note of what the past 365 days have taught me.

Woohoo Fun List!!!

>18 credits of unrelated classes is a BAD idea
>The summer school crowd often leaves much to be desired
>ALWAYS USE THE PLANNER (fucked that one up while taking 18 credits. extra bad.)
>Bean bags attract sex
>Everclear punch leads to a quick and happy drunk. Drink with good friends.
>The frats are a drag. Nothing else to it.
>Sticks and stones really do break bones. (Ben Mudd)
>Dying your hair purple WILL stain everything, including the dorm shower and much of your skin. Worth it, though.
>High school students, as a whole, are annoying as hell
>Never print something at the last minute. The printer WILL be out of paper.
>B-level lounge in the library is a GREAT place to nap. Once left my room to nap there before a class.
>It definitely helps if your professor likes you. Definitely.
>Always turn in the optional draft. It's just stupid not to.
>Getting matching tattoos with your mom is actually rather cool
>Cutting off most all of your hair, while a great and bold move, probably should not be done in November in St. Louis.

It's been a good year.
Here's to another.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Alpha Beta

I know I said I wouldn't post until fall semester, but recent developments have lead me to a cafe where I can access wireless and fix a few... online inconsistencies. Stuff changes and some things just don't quite fit as they used to.

Just another hassle to add to the list

Break-ups. Blah. What a fucking downer.

Oh well. It's been a few days now and things are going well.

Just a little update. That's all. I promise I'll work on something more print-worthy for next time I post.

Good day, all.